During these past years Mistral has worked together with a lot of different partners, here are the main ones:
CTS Brescia
The Centro Turistico Studentesco e Giovanile is a free association founded by a group of university students in 1974
It protmotes the diffusion of tourism and knowledge, safeguard and protection of the environment and of the historic, artistic and cultural heritage.
It’s the biggest Italian authority in the promotion, development and organization of tourism and it is the only Italian delegate in ISTC – International Student Travel Confederation, the international entity that rounds up the associations of student tourism form 95 countries in the world.
The members of CTS, belonging to every age group, have the possibility to travel with extremely convenient rates and to enjoy any touristic service.
CTS is also an environmentalist association recognized by the Environment Ministry.
In this capacity it is a promoter of many ecological venture from a responsible and sustainable tourism.
The Forum rounds up the most important associations active in the touristic, social, cultural and sport fields; they are associations that handle young tourism, the non-profit side of tourism.
The Forum was born in 2000 as a necessary phase of a path fully grown in the APT Brescia, from the need to make tailor-made solutions for a city that in the last decade has seen irremediably evolved its inner dynamics: from a mainly industrial city to a pole of a strong touristic attraction.
It’s an non-profit authority whose legal residence is set in the CSV in Brescia
Fitus and Fitus Reti’s aim is to:
confirm and promote the role of the social and young tourism as an element of growth for the individual and the groups, through the analysis, study and the proposal of organizational and implementing models.
CONAST is a limited liability cooperative consortium.
It promotes the development of the associated companies through the acquisition of jobs and services, it participates in competitive bids; it carries out qualified consultations in the field of technical assistance to the companies; it promotes and manages entrepreneurial training courses, it acts as business incubator for start-ups.
CONAST is partner of public and private authorities in European projects for the diffusion of new communication and e-learning technologies.
The strength of union and the competence of services. Confcooperative – provincial union of Brescia is the territorial structure of Confederazione Cooperative Italiane, the national association of the cooperatives that work in the building of a fairer and more supportive society, on the basis of the Christian humanism and of the pluralist democracy.
The aims of Confcooperative – Brescia are:
PROMOTION of the local cooperative movement
SAFEGUARD AND REPRESENTATION of all the associated cooperatives
Technical and legal ASSISTANCE
SURVEILLANCE, through the tool of revision, accomplished directly by Confcooperative for its associated.
Acli, Associazioni Cristiane Lavoratori Italiani (Christian Associations Italians Workers), are an association of Christian laics that, through a complex capillary network of specific associations, projects and societies, contributes to weave the bonds of the society, supporting participation and democracy forms.
Campus, built on the 20th of November 2003, is a cooperative, social, non-profit society working in the field of vocational services for childhood and families.